All debt contracts, because the money was created from nothing, is null and avoid, including the $33T US national debt. This argument will be the torpedo into the airshaft of the Death Star and the equivalent of throwing the ring of power into the fire of Mordor.
I think the simplest argument is
1. The right of repossession depends on the right to ownership
2. The right to ownership depends on the validity of the ownership claim
3. The validity of the ownership claim depends on the validity of the contract of sale
4. The validity of the contract of sale depends on consideration being given by both sides
5. The validity of consideration depends on each group possessing the right to ownership of each asset given as consideration
Therefore, since the bank did not own the money it put up as consideration for the contract of sale, therefore the bank did not put up valid consideration, does not have a valid contract, does not rightfully own the title to the property, and therefore has no right to repossession
Therefore, run up your credit cards with gold and silver and all other materials goods. Don’t repay. Don’t recognize the banks authority to claim title to your title. The banks have no right to collect. They don’t rightfully own the title.
Soon the fiat paper currency of the world, the tools of fraud, will burn and become like their source, nothing.
The day after, we will rebuild.
Who is John Galt?
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